Guiding Women to Radically Live
Life on Their Own Terms.

Are you ready to Awaken the fearless woman within you and embrace a journey of courageous living and unstoppable confidence?

Is it time to make “her” your reality,
embrace your inner fire, and step into
the life you’ve been waiting for?

Imagine a life where fear no longer holds you back . . .

free to dream,
free to have fun,
free to embrace the joy of becoming you, girl—
your authentic self.

This isn’t just a possibility . . .
she is already in you!

Embrace your next chapter, your inner transformation, and your new life!

Introducing . . .

The Burnal: Becoming a Fearless Woman

The one and only deep-dive guided journal for the woman who is . . .

  • ready to live your life fearless and free,

  • ready to rediscover who you are, for real, and

  • ready to step confidently into the future you most desire to design.

Do any of the following resonate with you?

  • In this phase of my life, I realize that I’ve spent more than 40 years letting others influence my choices and beliefs, living according to their standards rather than my own

  • My fears hold me hostage, and I just don’t know what to do about them.

  • Some (or most) of the time, I feel unfulfilled, discontented, lonely, uncertain, angry, complacent, lost, tired, stuck, . . . and many (or most) of these feelings are due to the hurts and hurtful people I’ve endured.

  • I often wish some (or many) parts of my life and myself were different. But I don’t know how to change any of it.

  • The “me” I used to be or never got to be, I don’t really know her anymore. Somewhere along the way, I lost myself and gained a whole lotta yuck laced with fear. I don’t know where to even begin to free myself.

  • I had hopes and dreams, a long time ago, but “life” stole those. There’s little or nothing I can do about it now. It’s too late; my life is what it is—and honestly, just thinking about making changes that would truly make a difference in me creates a lot of fears.

    You’re not alone. We’ve lived there, too.

    That’s why we’re here for you—and why we’re sharing practices
    that radically transformed us from the inside out.

Girl, we get you!

We’re Jamie and Jen, and here’s a bit about how we know you . . .  

  • Our struggles have been many. Really tough ones—inside us and out.

  • When we met and began our journey of friendship, we realized we were carrying the same mucky thoughts and feelings, though our circumstances were different.

  • We both know what it feels like to live (or rather simply exist) as though we’re buried alive beneath a heavy weight of fears, failures, despairs, hopelessness, . . .

  • Independently, we had each had enough and decided, I don’t want to live like this anymore! Something has to change—not simply for a while, but for every day after, for the rest of our lives.

  • We each turned inward and found some stunning truths about ourselves and unearthed some we’d known for a very long time but were too fearful to act on.

  • We were each “becoming” who we truly were before fear and all its factors buried us and becoming free—truly transformed from the inside out, no longer the same and growing better and better.

  • Joining hands and hearts as a unique sisterhood—we were becoming freer to share with each other openly and honestly about our pasts, pains, self-discoveries, and the tools and practices transforming us.

  • We recognized that we had the same calling: to share with every woman our discoveries and what we call “fireful” tools and practices for growing more and more fearless and free.


The Burnal: Becoming a Fearless Woman was born from our journeys in hand and heart with our sisterhood and calling. We’re here to help you on your personal journey:

Becoming you, girl—a fearless woman!

We’ll be holding your hand in our hearts throughout each of The Burnal’s 21 practices, just as we held each other’s—and still do. We’re both still becoming . . .